

    1. What does this passage say about who God is and what God does?

    2. What truth is being revealed that I need to understand more of?

    3. Do I believe or trust in what God has said? Why or why not?

    4. What sin does the passage reveal about my heart and actions?

    5. Is God calling me to a different way of living or thinking towards those around me?

    6. How do these truths line up or conflict with the culture around me?

    7. How do these truths make me a better missionary and ambassador for Christ?

    1. Take a moment to thank God specifically for who He is or what He has done for you in this passage.

    2. Take a moment to confess any sin, struggle, or doubt, that is keeping you from knowing and enjoying what God is revealing.

    3. Take a moment to ask God to lead you into a proper response to these truths.

    4. Take a moment to pray for someone in your church or small group.

    5. Take a moment to pray for someone in your life and community that doesn’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.


eden. gethsemane. golgotha. new jerusalem.